Thursday, August 28, 2014

Going Deep

Ok, here's a bit of a deep thought...

I recognize that gratitude and humility are probably the two most important foundation traits I could have (and need). However, I am pretty poor at both of them. As I was thinking about humility, I had this interesting thought...

Let's say I become perfectly humble. If someone asked me if I were humble, what would I say?

Now, before you answer that...

Let's consider God. God is perfect. He also knows everything. And He doesn't lie. So...

Is God humble? And if so, then being all-knowing, he would know he was humble, and being completely honest he couldn't tell you he wasn't humble if someone asked him about it, right? Cause if he admitted to being humble, then according to what I always hear people say about admitting being humble, then God would suddenly not be humble (cause he said he was), which would then make him imperfect and thus, not God.


Well, I disagree. I think one of the purest, if not THE most pure signs of humility is honesty. I think it's perfectly ok to acknowledge you are humble if 1. You can say you are honestly, and 2. You can do it in an attitude of humility - meaning that you don't see it as something that makes  you greater than someone else, but that you see it for what it is exactly.

Ok, I have more thoughts on this, but it's late. What do you think??

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