This morning, our family was reading in the Book of Mormon
together and something we read struck me deeply. It has
been on my mind all day and I wanted to share some thoughts on it.
In 2 Nephi 9, the prophet, Jacob is teaching about the
atonement of Jesus Christ. He discusses the concept of laws and justice and the
balance created by mercy through the sacrifice of Christ. As he discusses this,
he makes a few remarks that I found particularly striking today.
In verses 28 and 29, it says,
28 O that cunning plan of
the evil one! O the vainness,
and the frailties, and the foolishness of
men! When they are learned they
think they are wise,
and they hearken not
unto the counsel of
God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is
foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.
Here is why I found this so impactful…
I think often members of the Church interpret this scripture
to be referring to people who are “learned” and “wise” in the sense of the
world – secular wisdom. This is a natural thought because it is so obvious how
many who are secularly learned and “wise” tend to use their logic and learning
as some sort of proof that God does not exist. Also, we see many who rely on
their own understanding to the point that they rationalize themselves away from
the Church and ultimately, God.
I do not doubt this is part of what Jacob meant – perhaps even
the primary meaning. However, today it occurred to me that there might be another
Lately, as I have been working though my thoughts and
feelings about my life and what should or shouldn’t be, etc, I keep running
into the same thing…people who seem to use “God’s logic” against God (perhaps
even me at times).
Think about it for a minute. Who is not “learned” and “wise”
in terms of the gospel of Christ, but his own followers?! I grew up reading and
learning the scriptures. I have been taught in the “ways” of the Lord. This is
good. It is His plan to teach us His ways – after all, if we are to be like
Him, we must know of His ways. In fact, we even need to practice His way of
thinking and acting. However, in that process of trying to become like him and
applying what we learn, we can fall into a dangerous trap – one that I have
personally fallen into myself.
This trap is the trap of using our own learned knowledge of
God’s ways to form a certain “logic” about how God operates and we form
opinions and make decisions about what He will or won’t have us do. This can be dangerous, because we limit our
understanding of God and His miracles and His mercy and His work when we decide
by our learning – no matter how much it is based on what we have learned to be
true – what God thinks, how He acts, what He will or won’t do.
Thankfully, the Lord has provided safeguards for this. For
instance, he provides a Prophet to help guide us and “hearken unto the counsels
of God”. He provides us the Holy Ghost
to help us recognize truth, and He provides us priesthood leadership and
revelation that is always in unison when it acts and decides.
But in our personal lives? It can be a bit daunting. God
certainly leads each of us a bit different. And one person’s actions can seem
foolish or wrong to our “logic”, but is indeed not so. I know I have felt
inspired of God in my own life to make decisions and take actions that
according to some “logic” is not wise or not profitable – and seemingly goes
against what God teaches us in principle. However, I have a certainty that I
cannot deny that I have been lead to act in that way.
It reminds me of what Isaiah says in the Old Testament
(Isaiah 55:8-9):
9 For as the
heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than
your ways, and my thoughts than
your thoughts.
The more I learn about God’s ways, the more I have learned
that there is a lot of depth and dimension to His ways that I don’t understand
or even know exists. When we learn principles, it is often just the scratch of
the surface.
An analogy I thought of was in thinking about chemistry. When I first started learning about chemistry
in high school, it was really awesome. I loved it. I learned lots of great
principles about how things worked together. However, in college, chemistry
began to challenge some of the set principles I thought I knew. Suddenly, there
were “exceptions” to the “rules” (meaning that we just haven’t been able to
totally understand or explain the real principles). Then chemistry became more
difficult. It required much more context, more work, more understanding, more
learning, more experimentation, more of everything. It was tough. If I had
applied my limited and high school sufficient knowledge to college chemistry, I
would have failed pretty badly (in fact, I did fail the first time…haha)
I guess my point in this is that we need to be careful of
how we use our own learning to judge our own life or the life of others – even things
we feel are set in stone – like how “thou shalt not kill” – except when
commanded or justified by God (David and Goliath, Nephi and Laban, Saul and the
Amalekites, etc). Or how at times polygamy was appropriate and sanctified by
God, but at other times, not. That is an extreme example, but it is the same
So, how do we avoid making mistakes like this? Easy – like it
says in the scripture, hearken unto the counsels of God! How do we do that?
- Follow the guidance He gives us in His prophet and our other priesthood leaders.
- Seek the Holy ghost to help you recognize and follow the truth
- Read the scriptures to learn more in-depth truths
- Experiment on the word and learn from experience
- Write down your experiences and ponder what you learn from them.
One of the scriptures that has most impacted my own life is
in 2 Nephi 7:10-11, where Nephi quotes Isaiah. The verse says this…
10 Who is
among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of
his servant, that walketh in
darkness and hath no light?
11 Behold
all ye that kindle fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks, walk in the
light of your fire
and in the sparks which ye have kindled. This shall
ye have of mine hand—ye shall lie down in sorrow.
In verse 10, it describes someone who “feareth the Lord” –
in other words, someone who believes in and wants to obey and follow God. It
also describes someone as one who “obeyeth the voice of his servant” – in other
words, someone who actually is obedient and follows Christ. However, it also describes that same person as someone who “walketh
in darkness and hath no light”. How can that be? How can those coincide? In
verse 11, it explains...
It is someone who compasses themselves about with the sparks
and light of their own fire! This is someone who, while being obedient, relies
on their own works, their own learning, their own counsels to light their path.
This is someone who, while understanding God’s will in terms of the rigidness
of the law, but does not see the merciful light of the atonement of Christ. They
do not hearken unto His counsels.
This is a great description of what I think Jacob partly
saw. We see this a lot in the Book of Mormon and in the New Testament where
those who have the Gospel then lose their way because they think once they have
learned God’s ways, they know His ways. Interesting problem. Terrible problem
to have, with terrible and sad consequences.
I hope I continue to learn God’s ways and that my trial of
those ways in faith will teach me more of His depth and dimension. I hope that
my learning will always be tempered and lightened by His light as I seek for
His counsel – so that my ways indeed become His ways.